I normally compete in the shows so to be the Ring Steward at this event was a real eye opener. I'm use to entering the ring with blinders on and focused on the ride ahead. Most times in the ring I don't even notice that there are others in there with me, unless of course I'm making decisions to pass, but otherwise the only time I realize I wasn't out there alone is in line up. To have the opportunity to stand in the center and watch each horse in a class gives me a new perspective on what actually happens in the ring, and not just the limited personal view I had.
I played a little game in my head, picking the horses I wanted to place to see how close I was to the judge. I was so wrong in the beginning. I realized I was letting my personal views affect how I was looking at the horse. Come Sunday I was mentally placing the class almost always how the judge placed the class. Granted on Sunday the horses are a little more tired and mistakes were sometimes easier for me to see. I missed not being able to ride, but I was also grateful for the opportunity to see a show from a different perspective. I encourage everyone to take a turn in the Ring Steward position to see just how different the Judge sees the class. I've sat in the stands before but that doesn't give you the same view as being in center ring.
I'd like to thank our Announcer: Brent Bachman, Ring Steward: Koren LeVoir, Gate Person: Sharon Bell, Show Secretary: Sandie Hirsekorn, Show Chair: Nicole Hirsekorn, our judge who came all the way from Tennessee Dee Dee Miller. Thank you to the Show Committee Members, the show Mom and Dad's who not only look after their own children but become everyone's Mom & Dad and of course all our Participants; if it wasn't for your hard work all year long with your horses, hauling to our shows and riding in as many classes as you can fit into, we couldn't hold these shows.
A final Thank You to the catering team: Millie, Luck, Janet & Garry Krause. There will be another opportunity to take part in the catered Friday and Saturday Dinners at the August Show. All proceeds from the dinner go back into the show. For the June Show they donated back $600 to the show and it looks like the July show will receive close to $700 from the dinner.
See you all in August!