Our Annual general meeting will be held in Leduc on November 26 at 1pm. We will be meeting in the Alexandra Room located in the Leduc Public Library.
Attached is a list of position descriptions available.
Please let myself or Brent Bachman know if you wish to put your name forth for:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Show Director, Promotions Director, Media Director, Youth Director, ACTHA Director.
This is an election, we can have more than one person running for a position. If only one person puts forth their name they will be awarded the position by acclimation. As per our bylaws you can announce your name for a position up until voting on November 26th, but in order for members who need to vote by proxy to have all the information, it would be nice to have your name prior to the Annual General Meeting Mail Out.
This club is only as strong as those members who choose to get involved.
Jesseca Johanson
President - Calls the meetings of the association, to occur a minimum 4 times a year with no longer than 3 months in between meetings. Acts as ex ocicio member to all Committees unless delegated to the Vice President. Presides at all meetings of the association and the Board. Chairs meeting by calling the session to order, announces the business before the association, recognizes members entitled to the floor, puts to the floor all questions which are regularly move, announces the result of the vote. The president is entitled to vote when the vote is by ballot or to break a tie.
Past President - Remains on Board as advisory capacity. Has no vote as Executive Member, but can vote as a regular member.
Vice President - To chair in the event President is absent. To act as ex oficio member to any committee required by the President. To arrange meeting dates, venue, refreshments and cutlery if required.
Secretary - To take minutes at all meetings, have the minute’s distributed to all members by e-mail within 5 days of the meeting. (Where required minutes to be mailed out if requested by a member) To mail out proxy and Annual General Meeting a minimum 20 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. To keep a members list. To receive and present any correspondence to the club at meetings. To e-mail notices out to all members where their assistance is required, club business and events as well as reminders of meeting dates.
Treasurer - To keep the books balanced, set budget for the year and maintain a balanced budget. Accept and deposit memberships, create a members data base to be distributed to the Secretary and President. Maintain payments to Insurance, Web Hosting, and any business related expenses required to operate the club.
Show Director - To organize the dates, venue, judges, rule book, and ribbons. Directs and delegates to the Show Secretary and Show Committee for any support needed. Sets the Show program based on the days and time length of the show. Arranges all ribbons, decorations and awards to be present the day of the show. Must be present at all shows. Ensure quality of the show program. Oversees sponsorships and advertising as it is collected by the Sponsorship Committee. Creating and printing of the Show Program to be dispersed by the Show Secretary to the competitors at registration.
Clinic Director - To organize the Gaited Experience and any other clinic the clubs deems needed. Find clinicians, arrange transportation, lodgings, venue, and send entry form to Secretary, collect entry fees and maintain data base of participants. Arrange meals if required.
Promotions Director - To organize correspondence as needed to TWHBEA, place ads or write ups with magazines or online publications. To assist or spearhead events such as Mane Event, tack sales, other venues where we can promote our club and horses.
Media Director - Upkeep and updating of the Website, Facebook Page, YouTube Channel. To liaise between other facebook pages, The Voice, and other avenues to promote our club and horses
Youth Director - Report at the meetings the direction the youth are taking in the club. Events and promotions they will be a part of to promote the club.
ACTHA Director- Coordinate the dates, volunteers, judges and venue of ATHCA events our club will be hosing.
* Mandatory attendance at all meetings for BOD or correspondence of absence is required.