The show results are now posted in the Show Premium page for all those who are enrolled in the TWHBEA Versatility Program.
I'd like to thank our Announcer: Brent Bachman, Ring Stewards: Grace Adams & Christine Bell, Gate Person: Sharon Bell, Show Secretary: Sandie Hirsekorn, Show Chair: Nicole Hirsekorn, our judge who came all the way from Vancouver Washington Stephen Brown. Thank you to the Show Committee Members, the show Mom and Dad's who not only look after their own children but become everyone's Mom & Dad and of course all our Participants; if it wasn't for your hard work all year long with your horses, hauling to our shows and riding in as many classes as you can fit into, we couldn't hold these shows.
A final Thank You to the catering team: Millie Luck, Janet & Garry Krause. All proceeds from the dinner go back into the show.
2 Gait Country Pleasure - Ragtime's Razzle Dazzle - Lorrie Black
2 Gait Trail Pleasure - Stars Chesnut Genius - Verna Sprague
3 Gait Country Pleasure - Major's Lightning Bolt - Nicole Hirsekorn
2 Gait Youth - Jus' Natural Class - Salma Maggs
3 Gait Youth - a tie between
Pusher Power's Shiloh - Jessica Bachman & Legend's Golden Flake - Sienna Gullickson
Versatility Jus' Natural Class - Salma Maggs